If you’ve been feeling a little down in the dumps lately, it might be because of vitamins or specifically lack of B vitamins. These vitamins help keep you happy and promote cellular growth and regeneration.
Here’s a quick list to refresh your memory if you have forgotten.

These are some of the more common B vitamins which can cause problems in the body if you don’t ingest either in food or kosher supplement form. These vitamins improve the health of the skin, eyes, hair, liver, muscles, and facilitate the breakdown of carbohydrates into energy.
These vitamins are found in a variety of foods such as bananas, meats, rice, and countless vegetables. As long as you eat a balanced diet, you shouldn’t worry about getting your B vitamins, but if you feel like your diet has recently been poor and you can feel the difference, getting a kosher supplement might make up for it. So feel better by living healthier, and whether it’s through what you eat, or the vitamins you take, start being happier today.
Fish is an incredibly nutritious food. The benefits of consuming a fish, which is dense in Omega-3, can be seen in numerous ways. In the early 1980s, researchers found that Inuit people had low rates of heart disease, despite their high-fat diets of rich fish. It turned out that the Omega-3 fatty acids in the fish were beneficial to the heart and the rest of the body.
If you aren't familiar, Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid which means our body can’t produce it on its own and needs outside help. Unfortunately, not everyone likes fish and would rather go without eating these Omega-3 rich foods, than get vital building blocks for their body. If this is the case for you or someone you know, kosher fish oil supplements are a great way to still get those essential fatty acids, without having to ingest your least favorite food.
There is a multitude of benefits to the Omega-3 found in fish and kosher fish oil supplements. Omega-3 lowers triglyceride levels, improves concentration and memory, promotes healthy hair and nail growth, can help improve symptoms of depression, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, reduces the risk of strokes, and promotes the growth of muscles and the burning of fat.
So stock up on kosher supplements, like kosher fish oil, and feel the benefits.
Vitamin D
Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to health issues ranging from osteoporosis, diabetes, breast, prostate, and colon cancer. Most people get vitamin D from the sunlight, but if you’re living in a habitually gray area, you will need to stock up on your vitamin D to feel your best.
Fish Oils
Fish oil supplements are a great way to protect your body from strokes and heart attacks. And they work wonders for your skin, hair, and nails. The Omega-3 is great for you, so if you don’t like fish, take the supplements as an alternative.
Selenium is an essential mineral that most people lack in their daily intake. Particularly beneficial for males, selenium is said to increase sperm count and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Folic Acid
Folic acid is incredibly important in the regulation of many essential body processes. Some of these processes include cell maintenance and repair, synthesis of DNA, amino acid metabolism, and formation of white and red blood cells.
Multivitamins are fail-safe ways to ensure your body is getting an adequate amount of the essential vitamins and nutrients it needs to function at its best. The health benefits of multivitamins are limitless, and some are specifically designed for men, women, kid, pregnant women, and more.
To stock up on the kosher supplements you need, visit our store or our website.
It's that time of year again! While most of us want to have a spiritual day, for some of us it seems impossible while fasting (like me). The upcoming fast is something we dread, at first we pretend we do not have an upcoming fast (which is why you “forget” all about it and don’t end up having Kali Zom in the house). Then when the fast is too close to ignore, we do everything we have decided will work to make it easier (usually just a lot of folk tales that do nothing besides making it worse).
We start by gulping down cups of water, eating everything in sight and then there are the grapes, I don’t know if every family has this, but in our house, grapes are like magical beans before the fast. Everyone is eating them by the handful since it has water in it and you don’t want to end up being thirsty, right?
Now this would be the perfect time for us to tell you how we have the answer to your problem and that we can make a fast day feel like any other day or some other wonderful magical words. Sadly we can’t. For some of us, fast days are and will always be tough. However, we have compiled some helpful pointers that can help make the fast a little better.
Kali Zom has helped a lot of people to be able to fast easier, and it comes in three types of packages
For everyone and each package includes enough for three people.
For pregnant women, this package is enough for one person.
For nursing women, this is one serving size.
Drink lots of fluid before the fast (and after) rather than gulping down 10 cups of water 10 minutes before the fast. Try drinking lots of fluids throughout the day. This will help prevent dehydration on the day of the fast.
Not to make this seem too dramatic, but it can help to make your fast a lot easier and therefore it is important to make sure you eat the right things
Eating carbohydrates like potatoes and pasta will bond with water that your body can use during the fast.
These are delayed in being emptied from your stomach and therefore will keep you full for longer.
Most of us know that salty foods make us feel thirsty even if we have consumed a normal amount of water. Before a fast, eating salty food can end up causing you to feel thirsty the entire next day.
You may be tempted to stop reading here or have fainted in shock by the remark. However, while usually salad and high fiber food is highly recommended before a fast, it is not advisable. Both salads and high fiber food travel though our systems fast and can cause us to feel hungry much sooner.
Maybe the grapes aren’t a bad idea after all? Fruits, although they are high in fiber, carry a lot of water which is really helpful.
If you are taking the regular Kali Zom, now would be the best time to take.
If you plan on using the blue or pink Kali Zom, they have to be taken in the morning before the fast.
Wear Comfortable Clothing
Do not wear clothing that makes you sweat. This will cause your body to lose water.
Don’t Think About Food
This may seem the hardest to do, however thinking about food makes your body start to prepare itself for a meal causing you to become hungry.
For some people sniffing spices helps to ease hunger.
We know fasting can be difficult, but hopefully the above tips will help make your fast a little easier, and at Landau’s Health Tree, we pride ourselves in caring for our customers.
Let us know what helps you fast better? And have you tried taking any supplement like Kali Zom before a fast?
Visit our store, and we will help you.